We hope you all had a lovely summer. The weather was pretty good for a change!
August was really busy for us with lots of visitors, it was pleasing to see many parents with children visiting during the school holiday period.
However, we can’t rest on our laurels, so onwards to Autumn time. We have plenty lined up so please see below our packed itinerary for the next month or so, hopefully we have something for everyone to enjoy.
Our first talk at the museum is on Wednesday 4th September at 11.00am. It will be an illustrated talk on the RNLI by Rupert Cutler. We have a few tickets remaining so please be quick if you want to attend.
The next monthly quiz night takes place on Thursday 12th September at 7.30pm (doors open at 7.00pm) at the United Services Club. Please do come along and join us, it’s very light hearted but also a chance to put your knowledge to the test. Just £2 per person and you can have up to 6 in a team. You may also win a raffle prize.
On Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th September we will be participating in the National Heritage weekend – England’s largest festival of history and culture, bringing together local people, organisations and volunteers. Admission is free to the museum on both days during normal opening times.
The following Saturday 21st September at 11.00am David Whittle will be giving an illustrated talk at the museum on The Rise & Fall of Bernards Uniforms – one of the biggest employers in Harwich during its 110 years in the town.
Sunday 22nd September sees the Colchester Classic Motorcycle Club pitching up in our car park with some fine examples of classic motorcycles from around 11.00am.
On Friday 27th September join us for a MacMillan Coffee Morning, to raise money for people living with cancer. Doors open and the raffle starts at 10.00am.
Venturing into next month, on Saturday 5th October at 11.00am we welcome Philip Cunningham to the museum to give an illustrated talk on The Story of the Harwich Turnpike Road which ran the 72 miles between London and Harwich.
*The Events page on the website and social media are regularly updated so please check for details.
Tickets for all talks can be booked by emailing groupbookings@harwichmuseum.co.uk
All talks generally last a hour with time for questions. For all talks please remember to pay in advance (includes entry to the museum) or if a season ticket holder to bring your season ticket to show at reception and let us know in good time if you cannot attend so we may be able to reallocate your place to someone else.
Just a reminder that we do have a tea room and shop, entry is not required to the museum to use these. Outside seating is also available.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you soon.