Harwich Museum

September Events

September’s events, we start off with a visit from the Essex Air Ambulance Motorcycle run on Sunday 10th September.  Come down and admire the bikes and enjoy light refreshments from our tea room.

The following weekend 16th and 17th September, is the Open Heritage Weekend.  Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture, and entry to the museum is free for the weekend but donations are welcome.


Our regular monthly quiz will be held on Tuesday 19th September and our final event for September will be our Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 29th September.


From the 2nd October our opening days will be Thursday to Sunday only with our normal opening times.


Future dates for your diary are:


Ahead of the Sea Shanty festival, on Saturday 7th October at 11am, the museum will host a talk on sea shanties and their origins.

Tickets are limited so please book in advance by emailing groupbookings@harwichmuseum.co.uk