Harwich Museum

Manningtree Witch hunt of 1645 **SOLD OUT**

The Manningtree witch-hunt and execution of Marian Hockett.

The Witch-hunt at Manningtree took place in early 1645, with the investigations being led by John Stearne and Matthew Hopkins.

Torture was used to force mainly local widows to confess to witch-craft. Two described carnal relationships with the devil.

The talk will cover events which took place during the Civil war in Manningtree and include the case of Marian Hockett from Ramsey which followed on and led to her execution in Manningtree in August 1645 as a local example to others in the Hundred.’

Where talks are shown as **SOLD OUT** we do operate a waiting list so please enquire if you are interested in attending.
